Trusted Name, Trusted results.

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Welcome To Dover Shipping Company!
Dover Shipping Company has been offering services in the Oil and Gas industry in the marine support services which includes chartering offshore support vessels, Sales and purchase, Management of the offshore support vessels.

Dover Shipping Company offers complete Ship Management services including crew management, technical management, and commercial management.

Dover Shipping Company is registered in United Kingdom and have representatives in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, UAE, Vietnam, United Kingdom, Israel Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Ship Management and offshore consultancy activities are undertaken together and also with the business partners in this region.

Dover Shipping Company works very closely with Shipbuilding yards in Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, and Bahrain and render ship building services under close supervision.
Dover Shipping Company can undertake complete ship repair consultation works while closely working with vessel owners, managers and the repair yards.


With Dover Shipping Company First thing that emanates is trust, compassion and courage.
We are small company consisting of professionals with average minimum experience of 50 years behind them and confident of our business and we have a future plan.

Ethical values are the core and at the top agenda at all times within the group.

We believe in doing things in a different way.
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We thrive on 5 Basic Principles of Jewish Values and Management for our businesses that are centered around the pillars of Knowledge, Integrity, Dialogue and Strategy and  Entrepreneurialism .

We believe in the success of Future of Global Commerce's sustainability which is thriving and integral to the Harmony of Human Race and The Nature we live in through adoptability of our sustainability policies and its processes.

Our belief is further enhanced with our groups focus on personal relationships with our customers, partners, workforce and other stake holders including the community surrounding us.

As a strategy we always have long term perspective, with a strong sense of our traditions and culture that is people centric.

Discipline, Dedication and Ethics are our core commitment.

Capt. Susarla Srinivas, FICS,AMNI,AFRIN,DSS



CEO, DPA. Management Trainer




Cargo Specialist

Amy Gilmour


Sarah Aldrich


Anna Clark


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Socio Medical Services
The Company will endeavor to develop and in in due course will strive formulate a strategy to facilitate the seafarers with respect to their socio Medical services.
Assistance in repatriation of crew and their family members.
Assistance in case of emergency and in case of need. Welfare schemes for the children of Seafarers including educational scholarships.

Emirates International Seafarers Centre
(Based Sharjah, assisting the Mariners and fisherman from Gujrat and Tamilnadu)

The company is committed to provide a secure working environment, by establishing and maintaining the required security protection measures to prevent unlawful acts against Company Ships, which endanger the safety and security of persons and property on board as well as equivalent measures in office.
The company expects all its employees to comply with the security requirements of the ISPS code as well as the procedures within the Office and Vessel Security Plans at all times. All Employees are expected to be familiar with their relevant security duties and the measures required to protect the Office & Vessels from any unlawful act and to deter Piracy in the Indian Ocean and in all other Piracy Areas, as identified by the Designated local & International Authorities and the Shipping Industry.
The Company’s principal objectives are to:

  • Provide security procedures and practices for the transit and operation of Ships in Piracy Areas in order to facilitate security both underway as well as in Ports and that of the wider community.
  • Establish safeguards to reduce security Risk to Crew, Port Personnel and Supernumeraries onboard Company Vessels.
  • Establish safeguards to reduce security risks in Office affecting Company Personnel.
  • Support the transit and operation of the ships in Piracy Areas by employing extra security measures where necessary such as Armed Guards, Security Escort Vessels e.t.c.
  • Improve the security skills and awareness of Company Personnel ashore and Onboard.
  • Prepare contingency measures for emergencies relating to possible security incidents both in Office as well as Onboard.
These objectives will be achieved by:
  • Issuing a Ship Security Assessment and a Ship Security Plan specific for each individual Vessel.
  • Developing an Office Security Plan based on relevant Security Assessment.
  • Complying with Industry Guidelines as stipulated in TMSA3, BMPS & Regional Security Guides.
  • Comprehensive training of all Company Personal.
  • Screening of Private Maritime Security Contractors (PMSC)
  • Actively promoting security awareness amongst all Company Personnel in Office & Outboard.
  • Conducting regular documented Reviews and internal Audits of Office & Vessel Security Procedures and Plans, in order to allow for constant update and improvement to the Office & Ship Security Plans.
The Company is committed to provide the Company Security Officer, the Master and the Ship Security Officer, the necessary support to fulfill their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the ISPS Code, Chapter XI-2 of 1974 SOLAS Convention and relevant Shipping Industry Guidelines.
The Master has the Ultimate Authority and responsibility to take decisions, which in his professional judgment, as Master, are necessary to maintain the Safety and Security of the Ship. If in the professional judgment of the Master, a conflict between any Safety and Security requirements applicable to the ship arises during its operations, the Master shall give effect to those requirements necessary to maintain the Safety of the Ship. In such cases, the Master shall implement temporary Security Measures and shall forthwith inform the Administration and, if appropriate, the Contracting Government in whose port the ship is operating or intends to enter. Any such temporary Security Measures under this regime shall, to the highest possible degree, be commensurate with the prevailing Security Level.
Signed BY CEO Digitally

Quality Policy
To be a vibrant, Safety Conscious and Environmental Friendly Company always striving for enhanced customer satisfaction Leading to customer’s delight.
Quality Objective
To meet and exceed all the contractual requirements of our customers.
To be successful through our consistent pursuit for excellence.
To continuously improve our quality management system by achieving increased score on customer feedback analysis.
Management Commitment
The Dover Shipping Company is committed to providing resources and support necessary to achieve our quality policy and quality objective including continual improvement of the Quality Management System.

In offering its services, Dover Shipping Company will conduct its business in an efficient and reputable manner – to be in the best interests of its Clients, the Share Holders of the Company, its Employees, and the Environmental Protection.
We will support and contribute to the quality policy and objectives.

Quality Health Safety & Environment (QHSE)

Dover Shipping Company is totally committed to achieving the highest management standards on marine safety, safe working practices and the protection of the environment.
The management of Dover Shipping Company enforce the STOP WORK POLICY & propel Safety to prevent any unsafe acts.
At Dover Shipping Company, we believe there are no boundaries when it comes to ensuring safe marine operations and we strive to achieve a ‘Zero Incident Target’.
We work hard to create and engender a positive, proactive safety culture across all our employees. On board officers such as the Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer are tasked with day-to-day safety onboard and work directly with sea staff to actively plan, discuss and implement safety improvements.
Dover Shipping Company will be audited for issuance of Document of Compliance (DOC) by a leading organisation.

Quality Assurance
Safety is a key part of our culture and we take it very seriously. We continuously look for ways to improve and undertake regular internal audits of all our ships and offices. We have an established integrated management system incorporating the Quality Management (ISO 9001:2008), Occupational Health & Safety (OHSAS 18001) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2004) standards (“QHSE”) and ISM Code requirements, approved and certified by DNV GL. To keep our standards at the highest level, our people also undertake regular training on all aspects of safety.
Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory Compliance Policy


Increasing Regulatory Demands
The regulatory requirements with which vessel owners and operators are required to comply are continuing to become more stringent, as well as increasing in overall number and breadth of coverage. Significant legislation coming this way or on the horizon includes ballast water treatment systems and Electronic Charts. The recently implemented Maritime Labor Convention (MLC 2006) is facing fundamental difficulties due to varying interpretations of who is the ‘Ship-owner’ by the flag administrations..

The self-management of new regulation continue to become more difficult, costly and time- consuming for vessel owners and operators. It clearly make sense to pass the responsibility for regulatory compliance to experienced external ship managers who possess the necessary specialist knowledge and compliance control systems.

Regulatory Compliance
As the leading global independent ship management company, PSM possesses an exemplary track-record of maximizing the operational efficiency physical condition of its managed vessels in strict compliance with the international and national regulations and the requirements of its customers.
In addition to international and national regulations, the Company must also satisfy particular compliance requirements of certain end-customer groups, notably the oil companies who are the ultimate customers of some of PSM’s ship owning customers. The oil majors have strict internal and external operational safety requirements that may go beyond industry requirements and regularly undertake vessel inspections (known as “vetting”). They typically also require a minimum level of officer experience above required by international regulations.

Dover Shipping Company industry-leading standards of service delivery and regulatory compliance across the organisation are maintained through the PSM Group Management System. This comprises a series of detailed policy and procedure manuals which set out for employees and crew how the Company should conduct its business on strict accordance with all relevant international and national regulations and customers’ requirements. PSM Group also has a dedicated team responsible for monitoring new regulatory developments and providing compliance advice to managers.

Prudent Shipmanagement is totally committed to achieving the highest management standards on marine safety, safe working practices and the protection of the environment.

Health and Safety Policy
Quality Policy
To be a vibrant, Safety Conscious and Environmental Friendly Company always striving for enhanced customer satisfaction Leading to customer’s delight.
Quality Objective
To meet and exceed all the contractual requirements of our customers.
To be successful through our consistent pursuit for excellence.
To continuously improve our quality management system by achieving increased score on customer feedback analysis.

Management Commitment
The Prudent Ship management is committed to providing resources and support necessary to achieve our quality policy and quality objective including continual improvement of the Quality Management System.
In offering its services, Prudent Shipmanagement will conduct its business in an efficient and reputable manner – to be in the best interests of its Clients, the Share Holders of the Company, its Employees, and the Environmental Protection.
We will support and contribute to the quality policy and objectives.


These services are provided to our existing customers only


We deal in Energy, Metal Livestock & Meat and Agricultural products.


We are engaged in Export and Import of various items from several countries.


We deal with First banks for L/C and execution of other financial instruments.


Marketing is carried out through our network of our dedicated and experienced sales team which is well versed in the international trade.

Maritime Education & Training

We Provide guidance and Mentoring to Seafarers (Ratings) trying to appear for OOW examination in U.K, Singapore, New-Zealand.


We have a small dedicated, professional team of Chartered Shipbrokers, duly qualified and experienced in chartering of ships & maritime assets.


We work towards conservation of energy and planting trees worldwide. Thus enhancing the green value for the company.

In all interactions and in every place we operate, Dover Shipping Company Limited is committed to doing so lawfully, ethically and with integrity.

Our Code of Conduct and other global policies, some of which are listed here, provide guidance on how to apply these commitments to the way we work.

They cover how we work with each other, with our customers, suppliers and other key partners and communities.

We also operate a whistleblowing policy and reporting service called Speak Up. This lets anyone raise concerns relating to Dover Shipping Company Limited, confidentially.

How we work
Code Of Conduct
Guiding colleagues to develop and sustain long-term and mutually beneficial connections with customers, business partners, investors, the communities in which we operate and one another.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Helping to create a fully inclusive working environment, free from unlawful and unfair discrimination that is a barrier to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Board Diversity & Inclusion Policy
How Dover Shipping Company Limited Board of Directors approaches and supports diversity and inclusion.

Sustainability Policy
Supporting colleagues and business partners to help Dover Shipping Company Limited meet its sustainability target.

Health Security and Safety Policy
The ways in which we work to support the safety and effectiveness our operations and products

Partners and Suppliers
Business Partner Code of Conduct
Setting out the standards we expect of our business partners and those we work with

Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy
Setting out our commitment to acting without corruption and preventing acts of bribery, and only working with partners and third parties who share this focus.

Products and Content
Editorial Code
Ensuring Dover Shipping Company Limited editorial and content providers maintain the highest professional and ethical standards.

Responsible Advertising Policy
Ensuring that all marketing communications reflect our Guiding Principles, are legal, truthful, and have consideration for their target audience

Paper Sourcing Policy
Ensuring that all paper and timber used in Dover Shipping Company Limited products and services is sourced responsibly and sustainably.

Modern Slavery Statement
Setting out the action taken by Dover Shipping Company Limited, including subsidiaries, to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain

US Transparency in Coverage

Machine-readable files that are made available in response to the US federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and include negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers

Our aim is to become an ever more sustainable, positive impact business.

We focus on the areas in which we can make the most significant contribution: our operations, the content and knowledge Dover Shipping Company Limited brands provide and the communities in which we work.

March-Forward, our five year sustainability programme, contains ambitious commitments to embed sustainability into everything we do and help our customers and markets do the same.

Dover Shipping Company Limited Sustainability Programme

March-Forward is Dover Shipping Company Limited approach to sustainable business.

Our aim is to become an ever more sustainable, positive impact business. Through the March-Forward programme, we are embedding sustainability into everything we do and seizing opportunities from helping our customers and markets do the same.

March-Forward is a structured three-part programme with ambitious commitments and a wide range of activities, covering Dover Shipping Company Limited's business operations, our brands and products and our broader community impact.

When it comes to sustainability, we’re Marching-Forward.

Climate Impact
Managing the impacts of climate change is among the most pressing issues across society today.

At Dover Shipping Company Limited, we are taking accelerated steps to reduce our carbon and waste footprint and to help our customers understand their own climate impacts, championing the shift to a lower carbon future across the specialist markets we work in.

Sustainable Products
It is important that our products and services are created and delivered in a sustainable way. But we also go further.

In every market, our customers are looking for knowledge and connections that help them understand, manage and seize opportunities from environmental and social developments.
That's why relevant sustainability content, features and partnerships are embedded throughout Dover Shipping Company Limited's brands and products.

Community Impact
Dover Shipping Company Limited's businesses, brands and colleagues are part of many different communities, from the professional communities our products and services support to the local communities in which we live and work.

We aim to multiply the positive impact Dover Shipping Company Limited has by supporting and connecting our communities in a range of ways.

Recognition & Memberships
Our sustainability strategy and performance will be regularly evaluated by various independent research agencies, analysts and partners.

We aim to consistent in our approach and improve one the recognition that we will receive for our efforts and achievements as we will strive to become a champion of sustainability within our business and across the specialist markets we serve.

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)
Dover Shipping Company Limited will aim to be included in the DJSI World Index, which ranks listed companies on their achievements in economic, social and environmental areas relevant to long-term corporate performance.

Dover Shipping Company Limited will strive to be member of CDP in 2024

Dover Shipping Company Limited will aim for an AA MSCI ESG Rating, which measures a company’s resilience to long-term, financially relevant environmental, social, and governance risk. We will strive to be ranked in the top 5% of companies in our industry.

Dover Shipping Company Limited will aim to be recognised by ratings agency ISS ESG and given a Corporate Rating of C+, putting us in the top 10% within our industry.

Ethibel Sustainability Index
Dover Shipping Company Limited will aim to be a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe, recognising that we will strive to be among the top companies in Europe in the area of sustainability.

Dover Shipping Company Limited will aim to be a FTSE4Good Index Series member, demonstrating our strong environmental, social and governance practices.

Carbon Neutral
Dover Shipping Company Limited will aim and work towards achieving CarbonNeutral® certification in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol, moving closer to reaching one of our Faster to Zero goals of becoming carbon neutral as a business and across our products by 2030.

Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Rating combines an assessment of exposure to industry specific material ESG issues and how well a company is managing those risks to arrive at an ESG Risk Rating that is comparable across all industries across five categories of risk: negligible, low, medium, high and severe. We will aim to follow the guidelines while planning our Future Policy and approach.

towards Risk Rating. Race to Zero
Dover Shipping Company Limited will aim to be part of the UNFCCC Race to Zero Campaign, committing to science-based emissions reduction targets across all scopes, in line with 1.5C emissions scenarios and the criteria and recommendations of the Science Based Targets initiative.

Responsible Media Forum
Dover Shipping Company Limited will aim to be signatories of the Responsible Media Forum Media Climate Pact – a coalition of companies committed to tackling climate change in the media sector.

With will aim to work with institutions and other leading media companies, we will aim and work to create a pioneering tool to map the carbon impacts of digital value chains.

Moody’s ESG
Dover Shipping Company Limited will aim for a rating by Moody’s ESG Solutions by 2028, and strive for a score with an ESG score of 50 out of 100 placing us third in our global sector.

Sustainability Reports
Championing Sustainability
We will publish a range of sustainability reports and materials to provide deeper insight into our March-Forward activities and our performance and progress.

  • Registered Address-71-75 Shelton St, London WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom

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